Self-Guided Tour

Self-Guided Tour of the Historical Cuba

Stroll through Cuba and discover its rich history through the life and significance of some buildings and their occupants.

Use the map above to locate the sideway signs. Each sign will have a brief history of the site and its significance.

On your smartphone, open the camera, and point it to the QR code
(no need to take a picture, just point to the code).
Confirm you want to open the link

The link will send you to a web page.
Play the audio or video file on that page.

Direct links

Candy KitchenChamberlain HouseCuba Cheese Shop
Cuba Ice Cream BuidingCuba LibraryEldrige Block
Empire BlockErie Railroad StationGeneral Stone House
Genesee Valley CanalHotel Kinney
Kirkpatrick HomeLiberty Flag PoleMc Kinney Stable
Olean-Bath TurnpikePa Ingalls LanePalmer Opera House
Phelps & Sibley MillSt James Hotel Story Block Building
Willow Bank Park

Tour Preview